Open House – Join a Free Capoeira Class
2018-01-16 til 2018-01-16
Open House – Join a Free Capoeira Class
Try Capoeira at our Open House event on Tuesday 16. January from 7pm – 8:45pm in Dansekapellet, Bispebjerg Torv,Copenhagen NV.
Contra Mestre Dino will open his class and is invitiving you to come and try out a free class of Capoeira.
Bring a friend – decide to try out something new and get an exciting class filled with brazilian Capoeira vibes.
During the class you will be introduced to the basic movements – kick and defense, musical instruments in Capoeira and some of the songs used during a Capoeira event.
Dress in relaxed clothes that are good for moving your body, indoor shoes or bare feet and a bottle of water for the brake.
We look forward to seeing you!