Capoeira Meeting Copenhagen | Mulher na Roda 2020
2020-03-13 til 2020-03-15
Capoeira Meeting Copenhagen | Mulher na Roda 2020
For the second time focusing on tributing, celebrating and honoring the amazing female capoeiristas in all capoeira groups around the world.
It is a 3-day festival taking place in Copenhagen Denmark that honours the role of women in Capoeira today.
Organized by Mestre Dino and Grupo Malungos Copenhagen this is the event that will set the scene for a place of expression and an opportunity for everybody to enrich their capoeira style regardless of whether you are a male or female capoeirista.
We believe it is important to constantly evolve, develop and discover new talent, but also consolidate our long-time friendships in capoeira.
This year we are therefore pleased to welcome the following to give classes:
– Mestra Cristina (Grupo Senzala)
– CM Jana (Cordao de Ouro)
– CM Mel (Capoeira Angola Mestre Marrom e alunos)
– Professora Bettina (Malungos Copenhagen)
These will be participating:
– CM Jilo (Grupo Malungos)
– CM Sagui (Grupo Malungos)
– CM Dourado (Senzala Amager)
– CM Farol (Grupo Ginga)
– CM Fragil (Grupo Ginga)
– Professor Galo (Senzala Frederiksberg)
– Professor Nino (Malungos)
– Professor Maluco (Malungos)
– Professor Mascara (Malungos)
– Professor Espantalho (Malungos)
– Professor Bandido (Malungos)
Schedule and Place:
From 13.- 14. march 2020
Friday 13 March
17:00 – 17:30Registration
17:30-18:30 Capoeira / Afro dance (all participants)
18:30-20:00 Capoeira all levels
20:00-21:00 Roda
Place Gaarbodans studio, Struenseegade 15A, 2200 København
Friday night: Capoeira Café Friday night
22:00-01:00 Place Gaardbodans studio
Saturday 14. March
11:30-12:00 Registration
12:00-15:00 Capoeira all levels
13:30-16.30 Kids Training (look below for details for kids)
14:00-15:00 Capoeira try out training free
15:00-17:00 Capoeira all levels, dance & percussions
Place: Nørrebro Park Skole, Jagtvej 34, 2200 København
Lørdag den 14. marts 2019
Program 5-7 år
14:00-14:30 Træning
14:30-15:00 Roda
Program 8-15 år
15:00-16:00 Træning
15:30-16:30 Roda
Price: free
Saturday night: Brazilian party
21:00 – 03:00 Brazilian party, with two live concerts and Djs
Place Underhuset, Halmtorvet 9 1770 Cph V
Price 80kr / 10 EUR
Sunday 3. March
12:00-15:00 Capoeira all levels & dance
15:00-16:30 Training all levels and Roda
16:30-17:00 Good bye Roda
Place: Gasværksvej skole , Gasværksvej 22, 1656 København V
All Days 600 kr. (80€)
Friday 150 kr. (20€)
Saturday 350 kr. (46€)
Sunday 250 kr.(33€)
Grupo Capoeira Malungos Denmark
More information about Grupo Malungos and Capoeira Meeting?
look at
What is Capoeira Meeting Copenhagen?
The Capoeira Meeting Copenhagen is a celebration of Afro-Brazilian culture covering a wide range of cultural expressions: Capoeira, dance, music, percussion, visual and physical expressions!